We invite you to partner with Firstlight and help share the message of God’s love with all of New Zealand via free-to-air television. Your donation will go directly to covering the high broadcasting costs which enables Firstlight to stay on air. This is definitely the most cost effective outreach investment you could make! With a large number of partners donating what they can afford on a regular basis, we can ensure that Firstlight will continue to spread the Gospel message throughout New Zealand.
Firstlight Charitable Trust is registered with the NZ Charities Commission (CC47488) and is able to issue tax deductible receipts for all donations over $5. If you would like to keep Firstlight on air being a blessing to both yourself and others, please make a donation today!
If you would like to make a donation via INTERNET BANKING, or by simply going into any Kiwibank and making a deposit, Firstlight’s bank details are as follows:
Kiwibank Account Number: 38-9012-0576921-01
Please put your name in as the reference.